Archives for gardening

Cascading Leaves

We love this plant that has cascading waxy leaves, so shiny!  HydroSpike is great when we go on vacation or don’t have time to water the plants.  The plant is an indoor plant, and it sits on an outdoor patio set…that we moved indoors!  The wood patio set was too nice of a set to leave outside to rot.  Why not use it as indoor furniture?!



HydroSpike’s Shooting Star

This plant, the lovely Shooting Star, in all its white splendor and glory cheers us up here at HydroSpike.  This plant cannot be under harsh sunlight, and definitely needs watering in warmer weather.  If you are busy, on vacation (or holiday), be sure to set up a HydroSpike system so you will come back to its beautiful blooms.  It starts to bloom less towards the end of summer.  For all you married men, the shooting star plant is a perfect gift to give to your wife…she is your shooting star.

Shooting Star

How to Grow Plants from Seed

Here’s an interesting video on how to grow plants from seed.

Corn in the Garden

We have a few corn stalks growing this summer. Planted from special seed that was *supposed* to be really tasty. However, this species didn’t do it for me! Although corn is so abundant, different varieties have special taste and nutrition. We’ll be trying more in future growing seasons.

Corn in our Garden

Cabbage and Watermelon in Fall 2011



The earth just yields beauties.  We planted the cabbage in a row and the watermelons grew all over this summer.  In this plot, we water pretty seldom, just let it grow and see what happens.  Not bad for low maintenance!